Hunter Pets:
- Grace of the Mantis, Natural Armor, Blood of the Rhino, and Wild Hunt adjustments.
- Battle Shout and Commanding Shout changes.
- Bloodthirst and Death Wish are now baseline abilities.
- Introduction of Raging Blow, Rampage, Vanguard's Edge, Colossus Smash, and Ravager.
- Various talent and ability adjustments.
- Shadow Word: Death now learned at level 55.
- Devouring Plague reverted to original form.
- Vampiric Touch chains up to 3 targets.
- Crusader Strike range increased slightly.
- Libram of Awakened Speed added to all Redemption quests.
- Benediction reworked.
- Rank 1 Blizzard now auto-learned at level 19.
- Shamanistic Determination reworked to Elemental Overload.
- Lightning Overload talent reworked to Gift of the Gathering Storm.
- Chain Lightning is now a 2-second cast.
Death Knight:
- Blood Plague and Frost Fever durations increased.
- Introduction of Frost Latch and A Knight's Cold Sojourn.
- Two-Handed Weapon Specialization reworked to Sanguine Edge.
- Vampiric Blood replaced by Goliath's Reckoning.
- Unholy Presence reworked.
- Death and Decay now a free cast.
- Bone Shield and Empower Rune Weapon adjustments.
- Introduction of new talents: Tempest of Terror, Gorefiend's Grasp, Blood Drinker, and more.
- Travel Form speed increased.
- Cat Form speed increased.
- Dash Rank 3 now learnable at level 56.
- Primal Precision now increases Swipe (Cat) range.
Paladin (November 4, 2023):
- Legendary guardian and Human starter sets updated.
- Villainous Presence and Light's Presence no longer stack.
- New follow-up to Wanted: Hogger.
- POI Points added to Helf starter quests.
- Level 60, 70, and 80 brackets introduced.
- Level 10-19 Arathi Basin now available.
- Changes to battleground brackets and capacities.
- Zul'Gurub Enchants are now BoA.
- Glyphs no longer require Lexicon of Power.
- New items added to Haris Pilton.
- Armor values of DK tier 1 fixed.
- Thunderfury is no longer unique.
- Various item adjustments and additions.
- Spell school immunities removed from vanilla raid bosses.
- Naxx and BWL adjustments.
- New dungeon boss in Zul'Farrak.
- Changes to Uldum, Kara, and various raids.
- Models updated for Upright Orcs, Lightforged, Void Elves.
- Lantern, flickering walls, and collision fixes in Stormwind.
- Inconspicuous Chests now have more rare loot.
- Heroic Dungeons and Raids now toggleable at level 60.
- Various fixes and updates for NPCs, scripts, and locations.
- WoW.exe video settings greatly increased.
- Blackscreen bug fixed on widescreen/windowed mode switch.
- New Teleport locations added.
- Vicious War Fox now a BoA mount.
Note: These are summarized patch notes, and players are encouraged to read the full notes for comprehensive details and understanding of changes.